Why use rechargeable batteries?
Cost saving
You can save a lot with your rechargeable batteries!
Rechargeable batteries can be recharged 500 times. In other words, one rechargeable battery can replaces 500 pcs of alkaline batteries. As a matter of fact, appliances nowadays, like digital cameras, are pretty power consuming. Then how much you can save? It's a simple mathematics problem!
Better performance
Rechargeable batteries are better than alkaline batteries in terms of high-drain performance. Digital camera and power drill are examples of appliances need high-drain batteries. Besides high-drain performance of rechargeable batteries, our technologies have improved to maintain battery performance under high temperature condition. This is especially important for application like emergency light.
Environmental friendly
Since rechargeable batteries can recharge, using more rechargeable batteries means reducing much more ordinary batteries. Statistics show that more than 14.5 billion ordinary batteries are thrown away each year. These disposed batteries will at the end go to landfill sites.
Using rechargeable batteries helps reduce the impact of disposable batteries have on the environment. Let's make a better environment for the next generations.
Among the varies kind of rechargeable batteries, the Nickel-metal hydride type (Ni-MH) in the most environmental friendly.
What is over-charge and effect on cell performance?
When a cell is being charged, it will reach if "fully charged" state. However, if the charging process continues, this is called "over-charge". Over-charge a cell has many problems like shorted battery service life, leakage and even explosion.
Common charging control methods
To maximize the service life of your rechargeable batteries, it is highly recommended that the batteries are being charged by battery charger with proper charging termination methods, especially at high charge rate. Some common charge termination control method being used in most chargers in the market are listed below:
1. Maximum voltage: The charging is terminated at certain pre-defined voltage level;
2. dT/dt control: The charging terminated when the rate of temperature increase is abnormally high;
3. Maximum temperature: The charging terminated when cell temperature reached certain value;
4. Maximum timer: The charging terminated mandatory after prolonged time;
5. Negative delta voltage (-dV): After a cell is fully charged, it's voltage will drop gradually. The better the battery quality, the more obvious will be the voltage drop;
6. Zero delta voltage (0dV): Similar to ¡VdV, except the cut-off will be triggered at the peak voltage of cell;
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